Aplicativos para aprender a tocar instrumentos musicais

Applications to learn to play musical instruments

It's your music, learn to play it with these apps!


Learning to play musical instruments is a good way to develop new cognitive skills. So if you want to improve your memory or concentration, this could be a great way. Furthermore, when you play an instrument, you can express yourself through art. 


However, if money is tight or if you prefer to take the first steps alone, you can start without any investment through applications in this area. A good app that teaches its users how to play an instrument usually has several features that make learning easier, and some even allow you to customize the study.  

What happens to your body when you play a new instrument?

One of the main benefits for your body when you decide to play a new instrument is muscle. This is because you need to make repetitive movements of certain muscles. Over time, this repetition will make them stronger. Another very interesting factor is that you improve your motor coordination. 

At first, it can be quite complicated to start playing and make some movements with your hand, but as time passes, you will see your coordination improve and it will become easier to handle any instrument. But as everything has a beginning, we want to help you learn to play musical instruments with the best apps in this area. 

Drum School

Image: Google Play

If the instrument you dream of learning to play is the drums, Drum School is the ideal app for you. It will help you master this device and within a week you will be able to see the difference when you sit in front of a battery. That's because the app has an advanced library of grooves and learning tools for all levels.


Furthermore, Drum School has several exercises and practical ideas so that you don't keep repeating the same sound and end up getting bored. Speaking of diversity, on this platform you will learn to play different styles, such as rock'n roll, reggae and bluegrass.

Also worth mentioning is the high-quality audio made from real drum samples that loop for practice. This way, you get a more authentic sound that is closer to what you would experience when playing a physical drum. Your musical ear also benefits from this feature.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

Read too: Best music apps to listen offline


Image: Google Play

If you are passionate about the guitar, but still don't know how to play the instrument, GuitarTuna could be the app that will make a difference in your life. In it, you will find several chords and chords to start taking your first steps in this musical universe. Furthermore, the app has tunings for all standards for your guitar.

If you're looking for what rhythm you'll follow when learning to play the instrument, don't worry, GuitarTuna doesn't limit you. After all, it has synchronized song scrolling so you can play in your own style. Another really cool feature of the app is the metronome with touch for multiple time signatures.

So that you don't have a big learning curve when using the app, GuitarTuna offers you a clean and intuitive interface. And to make your experience even better, the platform allows you to personalize learning. This way, you learn in your own time.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

Simply Piano: Learn Piano Fast

Image: Google Play

Simply Piano cannot be missing from our list of apps for those who want to learn to play musical instruments. As the name suggests, the app is a simple and easy way for you to develop skills with pianos and keyboards. On this platform, you will acquire knowledge while having fun.

Simply Piano has several songs available to facilitate your learning process. That way, you're almost guaranteed to find one you're passionate about and train to her tunes. Just to give you an idea, among the melodies present in the app we can mention Chandelier, All Of Me and Counting Stars.

With Simply Piano you will learn from basics to advanced through sheet music so you can start playing with both hands. If you find that the rhythm of the songs is too fast, simply slow down the song in the library. Now, if you have a busy life, know that the app has classes lasting five minutes.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

tonestro: Learn to play Music

Image: Google Play

The tonestro arrived to help wind and brass lovers learn to play a new instrument. In it, you will find a large collection of modern music for saxophone, trumpet, flute and even clarinet. In addition, it will accompany fun lessons so that your learning process is more dynamic.

Here there is also attention for users who have a busy life, but still want to learn. This is because tonestro provides short exercises that can be more easily fit into your routine. And quality is guaranteed in the app, as all classes were created by music experts.

In tonestro, you will learn about music theory, as well as fingering charts. In the exercises, you will work with rhythm and height. You will then undergo exams that will measure your progress. Without a doubt, you will feel like you have a teacher by your side, which will make you much more motivated.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

Music is at your fingertips

As you have seen, there are apps to learn to play musical instruments for all tastes. Choose one or all of them from the list and start putting into practice everything they have to offer. Happy studying!

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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