Apps que vão te ajudar a monitorar seu ciclo menstrual

Apps that will help you monitor your menstrual cycle

Discover how apps can help you understand your body and menstrual health


Monitoring your menstrual cycle is very important to keep an eye on your health. Did you know that abnormal variations in your cycle can be an indication that there is a problem? Hormonal disorders and polycystic ovarian syndrome are some diseases that can be avoided if you monitor them well.


Furthermore, when you keep an eye on your period, you can also identify which periods are your most fertile. This way, you can plan to get pregnant or keep an eye on birth control methods, if you are not interested in bringing a child into the world.

How to monitor the menstrual cycle?

One of the best ways to have control over your menstrual period is through apps in this area. Overall, they are easy to use and accurate regarding the start and end of your period. Furthermore, they tell you when you are ovulating and can track some symptoms related to menstruation, such as cramps.

We've put together a list of the best apps for monitoring your menstrual cycle so that you can monitor it completely.


Image: Google Play

FLO is a very popular app among women and no wonder. After all, it was developed by a group of leading health and medical experts. With this app, you can monitor your menstrual cycle and even share data with your partner, if you wish, so that they can also see updates on your fertile period.


When you download FLO, you will have a complete solution on your smartphone for all female health and well-being issues. It will also show you a complete tracking of your period, such as the date and duration of your period. Other details you will see on the platform are: fertile window, peak ovulation days and PMS symptoms.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

Read too: Pregnancy Test Apps


Image: Google Play

With CLUE, you are completely in tune with your body. This is because the app helps you monitor your period, fertility and experiences related to the menstrual cycle accurately. If you are trying to get pregnant or going through hormonal changes in the pre-menopause period, this app will be a great ally offering everything you need for this transition.

CLUE also helps you say goodbye to those months where you don't know whether or not your period will come on a certain day. Additionally, the app offers body tracking patterns so you can understand the nuances of your cycle, such as feelings, PMS, desires, pain and sexual desire.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

Teen Period Tracker 

Image: Google Play

Another very assertive app for you who want to monitor your menstrual cycle is Teen Period Tracker. Although it focuses on helping teenagers who are new to this universe, it can also be used by adult women. The app offers a smart period and ovulation calendar so you don't miss any details of your period.

Teen Period Tracker offers guides with videos to answer all the questions you may have about this phase of life. In addition, the platform has a chat feature so that more personal questions can be answered. The app has data collected from medical teams. Therefore, you can rest assured that you will receive correct guidance.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.


Image: Google Play

OVIA is an app made for women of all ages. Through it, you can not only track your menstruation and ovulation moments, but you can also monitor your menopause. And if you have irregular periods, don't worry, as the app is an accurate predictor even for women with this profile.

Plus, OVIA's algorithm is based on fertility research, which even helps you time sexual intercourse. It is also worth mentioning that with this application, you can monitor your basal body temperature, cervical fluid and medications.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

Spot On

Image: Google Play

The last app on our list that will help you monitor your menstrual cycle is Spot On. This app offers alerts on when to prepare for your period, when to take birth control medication and when you are ovulating. There, you can also count on the help of professionals to answer your questions about the topic.

You can also track your flow, from spotting to light and heavy days. Also use the app to keep an eye on symptoms, such as fatigue and cramps. To let you know how safe Spot On is, we need to highlight the fact that it was developed with support from world-class sex educators at Planned Parenthood.

Available for iOS and Android systems, on app store and Google Play.

Ready to keep an eye on your period?

When it comes to women's health, one of the areas that deserves your attention is menstruation and the apps we mentioned will help you a lot with this. There is no one that is better, but rather one that you will adapt to more. Therefore, we show you several options so you can choose one that will no longer make you miss the day your menstrual cycle starts. 

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Pedro Bala

I am a senior writer with almost 30 years of experience in radio journalism departments, advertising production studios, news portals and various blogs. Currently, I am content director at Job Holding, CEO of the Bolha Crypto portal, screenwriter at Invicto Solar and host of the Bolha Crypto Drops podcast on Spotify.

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