Melhores filmes e séries de drama da HBO Max

Best movies and drama series on HBO Max

Find out what the best HBO Max movies and drama series are and add them to your list today


If you're looking for something new to watch, you need to know the best films and drama series on HBO Max. With these options, excitement is guaranteed, especially due to the way the streaming platform's catalog is organized.


Based on these indications, users no longer need to search for long hours for what they are going to play next. Overall, all of these titles are part of the list of content with high recommendations and good ratings on the platform. In other words, you won't regret it and you don't even need to be in doubt about the quality of what comes next.

Melhores filmes e séries de drama da HBO MaxImage: Reproduction/Pexels

Best Drama Movies on HBO Max

1. The Imitation Game

Those who like drama films inspired by true stories can prepare themselves for a rollercoaster of emotions with the film “The Imitation Game”. Basically, the work tells the story of mathematician Alan Turing, known as the father of computing.

This is because, at 27 years old, the genial and unsociable young man receives the important mission of unraveling a code that the Germans were using to communicate with their submarines. This entire plot unfolds during World War II, more specifically when the Nazis invented a language called Enigma to avoid being detected by their enemies.

Despite his efforts, revealing his homosexuality puts everything at risk, including his professional recognition and safety. Watch now on HBO Max for this link.


2. Moonlight

One of the most awarded HBO MAX films in recent times is “Moonlight”, a drama about coming of age, self-knowledge and identity. In specific terms, the film narrates three phases in the life of the protagonist Chiron, a black boy trying to survive life in a Miami community.

The coolest thing about this plot is that the protagonist is played by three excellent actors in each phase. As a result, viewers end up getting involved in the stages of the story and are moved by every moment of Chiron's journey.

However, it is not just a drama film that narrates a person's life, because the protagonist's growth process adds several layers to the story. Watch now on this link.

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3. Lion: uma jornada para casa

As one of the great titles on HBO Max's list of best films and series, “Lion” does not disappoint for a single second. Just as the name suggests, this is a film that invites you to follow the story of a character trying to overcome all the adversities along the way.

Throughout the plot, Saroo, a young Indian separated from his family at the age of 5, faces countless challenges to survive in a cruel reality, to say the least. Follow each of the protagonist's pains and loves in one of the most moving portraits of the reality of a young Indian.

Although inspired by fiction, the film “Lion” presents several urgent issues facing the Indian community around the world, covering aspects from childhood to adulthood. Without a doubt, it is one of the best films to watch on HBO Max. Watch now on this link.

Foto de uma televisãoImage: Reproduction/Pexels

2. Best drama series on HBO Max

1. The Last of Us

It can't be any different, because the highlight of the best series to watch on HBO Max goes to one of the most successful original productions on the platform. The adaptation of the game “The Last of Us” for streaming captivated fans around the world, in one of the most emotional narratives in recent times.

To understand better, the story presents Joe, played by Pedro Pascal, and his struggle to live in the middle of a zombie apocalypse that destroyed the world. After the death of his daughter and the disappearance of his brother, the protagonist becomes a smuggler in one of the survivors' cells.

However, upon receiving the resistance's mission to take Ellie to one of the medical centers, Joe embarks on an adventure of loss, trauma and new meaning in life. Watch now on HBO Max via on here.

2. Euphoria

Another incredible title on HBO Max's list of drama series recommendations is also one of the biggest award winners in recent years, such is the success of “Euphoria”. Despite having a heavier narrative, because it deals with issues of chemical dependency and mental health, it is one of the great recent productions on the platform.

Initially, this is one of HBO Max's miniseries that portrays the challenges of generation Z, but it goes much further. With complex characters and engaging story lines, it's impossible not to feel all of the protagonists' emotions while watching.

In simple terms, it's a story about a group of high school students navigating their youth by tackling generational issues with excellence. Watch now on HBO Max this link.

3. Game of Thrones

One of the most popular drama series available on HBO Max is “Game of Thrones”, mainly due to the legion of fans that this cinematographic and literary universe has. Despite being ended, it is still one of the best HBO Max series of all time.

As an adaptation of the book series of the same name, this drama series is an epic medieval fantasy, complete with dragons, conflicts between kingdoms and evil plans. Primarily, it presents powerful families in a fictional kingdom competing to take over the so-called Iron Throne.

What appears to be a simple throne is in reality what gives maximum power not only to the monarch, but also to his family. Watch now on this link.

So, did you like the list of the best films and series on HBO Max?

Don't stop watching something new out of indecision, trust the recommendations for the best films and series on HBO Max to organize what you're going to watch in your free time. These titles are great suggestions for planning a marathon or scheduling a popcorn session at home.

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Cecilia Fernandes

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