Conheça 5 Aplicativos Para Ajudar a Trabalhar no Home Office

Meet 5 Apps to Help Work at Home Office

See in this article the 5 apps to help you work well at home office.


Today we will present the applications for work at home office. With the advance of the Pandemic in 2020, many people, if not the vast majority of them, were unable to work in commerce or even travel to the company where they work. That's because the virus spread very strongly reaching millions of Brazilians.


In this sense, remote work (home office). It was the only way for people to get food home. Besides paying your bills without being so harmed. Meanwhile, some people still can't have much discipline indoors.

That's because being closer to the family, with the kids at home and without an organization table to help you with spreadsheets can make your work unprofitable. In this article we will show you 5 apps to help you work well at home office.

Where it will bring much more organization to your day to day and make you much more organized with your spreadsheets.

Why have an app to help you work from home?

It is very common to find people who can work for hours and concentrate on some activity. On the other hand, for those people who have a lack of attention, any detail can take their concentration away.

So below we will show you some apps that will help you concentrate better and make you much more productive even if you are working from home.



As mentioned above, the greater difficulty of working at home and being able to find a balance to have a more productive work day, but also managed to rest.

The so-called Pomodoro technique is formed by making the person Focus for 25 minutes and then taking a short break. That's what the app sets out to do. In addition to being able to be integrated with other applications. Like Trello for example, which will make it much easier when it comes to organizing your daily tasks.

The app is free and can be found on Android or iOS devices.

Trabalhar no Home Office – Microsoft Teams

This app is very useful especially for those people who need to hold conferences and meetings all the time. Thinking about it, many businessmen and workers must already know some web conferencing application.

Microsoft Teams is a good option. That will allow the user to be able to make integrations even with other tools with complete security and being able to share with the whole team!

In addition, the application is very simple to use. Allowing you to hold conferences even with people who are not part of the company and may even be a customer, for example. Then it is necessary to create a meeting and share the code for those who want to participate in it.

The app can be found on Android or iOS phones. It can also be accessed through a computer or tablet in a simple way. Being completely free.


This application is very well known and widely used to organize your tasks. With topics of things you've already done or still need to do. Even if for some people the application is very simple, it is certainly a great help that will make all the difference in your routine.

Furthermore, it is necessary for those who work on projects and can organize their tasks by categories or even by priority. The application is a very simple tool to use. Which are cards that you can fill out and add labels if you have a deadline to meet or even not to forget.

You can find this application installed on your computer or even on your Android or iOS cell phone for free. Let's not forget that you can also share cards with people at the company and even add those same people to see what tasks you're doing.


This app is ideal for anyone who wants to track and control their time spent on any type of activity. In this sense, some companies require the employee to register all the clients and then insert the tasks for each one of them as they are done.

The app will help you collectively where all project people need to be using apps correctly. That is, all tasks need to be registered. So that the application can generate a report to see the performance of the professional and the time used for each project the client

The app is available for Android or iOS phones free of charge. And it can also be accessed online on the computer.


Last but not least, this application is ideal for those people who, as they spend a lot of time at home and their leisure time decreases, end up getting very anxious.

A survey carried out by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in the year 2021 80% of the Brazilian population was very anxious. So it's important to make a work strategy but also to have some rest time to relax your mind.

Where various applications can be used to help you in this way. The peaceful app is like a healthy methods diary with several tools to write down mood swings, how often you drink coffee and even some relaxation exercises.

By doing this, adding these simple activities little by little, the user will be able to take better care of himself and even make his day much more productive.

The app is available for Android and iOS phones free of charge.

Apps to help work from home — Conclusion:

There are many apps that will help you concentrate better even when working remotely from home. Where there are correct applications to apply these methods and make your day much more productive with techniques and forms for relaxation and also work organization.

So, don't waste time and download one of these applications right now so that you can start to have a more organized life even working at home. Where you will be able to observe your productivity much better. Don't waste any more time.

Having an organization base for both schedule and spreadsheets can help you lead a much more peaceful life.

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Carlos Manager

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