10 Alimentos que Fortalecem os Dentes

10 Foods That Strengthen Teeth

See what foods are in your fridge that can help you have healthier teeth. Check out!


Many people seek to have a balanced diet, especially in order to keep their teeth strong and healthy. In this way, knowing foods that strengthen teeth is essential to have a balanced oral health, with fewer bacteria in the mouth.


Anyone who thinks they can have oral health only with dental treatment is very wrong! That's because, although they are very important, there are some foods that strengthen teeth, and their intake can help you have more beautiful and healthier teeth.

Therefore, we separate 10 foods that help strengthen teeth, preventing cavities, tartars and other types of diseases in the mouth. If you liked the subject and want to know more, keep reading!

What are the foods that strengthen teeth?

In the same way that many foods can contribute to the appearance of cavities, other foods can strengthen teeth, including making them whiter and stronger. So, check out 10 foods that strengthen your teeth:

1 – Chiclete sem açúcar

First, we can say that gum is not exactly a food, however it is important, as it stimulates chewing, in addition to increasing the flow of saliva in the mouth, removing food particles and neutralizing acids.

In this sense, the consumption of sugar-free gum contributes to more beautiful and stronger teeth, however, it needs to be sugar-free and not to be consumed excessively, so as not to cause cavities.


2 – Peixes

Everyone knows that consuming fish is an excellent option for health. This is because they are good sources of calcium, in addition to being rich in vitamin D, which acts directly on the absorption of calcium by the body, especially in the teeth, which favors them to be stronger and healthier.

In this sense, one of the best foods that strengthen teeth is fish, especially salmon, as it is rich in omega 3, a fundamental component for saliva. In addition, it is possible to eat sardines, which in addition to being more accessible, are also rich in omega 3.

3 – Água

Essential to prevent oral problems, the intake of water, although it is not effectively a food, can help us to maintain our overall health. With regard to teeth, water maintains oral hygiene, helping to remove food remains.

In addition, water collaborates to maintain mineral levels, stimulating salivation, leaving our mouth always hydrated. Therefore, drinking water is one of the foods that strengthen teeth, especially by fighting the presence of bacteria and fighting bad breath.

4 – Laticínios

Dairy is an excellent way to consume food to strengthen your teeth. That's because milk, for example, is rich in calcium, phosphorus, lactic acid, proteins and other vitamins, which strengthen our teeth and bones, making them more beautiful and strong.

Therefore, consumption of dairy products is highly recommended to take care of teeth, especially cheese, yogurt and other derivatives, which help protect against certain substances that have greater acidity, protect teeth from possible wear of the enamel they have.

5 – Brócolis

Broccoli is one of the foods that strengthen teeth, especially because it contains iron and calcium that, when together, form a barrier that protects tooth enamel. In addition, this calcium is still responsible for bone formation and maintenance of teeth.

6 – Castanha-do-Pará

The Brazil nut has a large amount of nutrients, essential for the human body. In addition, the oils contained in the chestnut help to form a protective film on the teeth, which prevents the attachment of bacteria to the dental wall.

7 – Chá verde

Green tea is a low pH food, that is, it decreases acidic substances in the mouth. In this way, it prevents the wear of tooth enamel, as it contributes to increased saliva production, helping to clean teeth and balance the oral pH.

On the other hand, its consumption also helps to prevent and combat the bad habit, in addition to preventing periodontitis, as it contains fluorine, a mineral that prevents the appearance of cavities.

8 – Gengibre

One of the best teeth-strengthening foods, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, and is also one of the foods that help fight the bad habit. Therefore, he is responsible for balancing the functioning of the digestive device. On the other hand, its properties also collaborate in the fight against gingivitis and other oral inflammations.

9 – Maçã

The apple has several benefits for human health, especially because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients. In this way, it helps to keep your teeth clean, as chewing the apple manages to "massage" the gum, increasing the flow of saliva, and preventing the formation of bacterial plaque.

10 – Tomate

rich in Vitamin C, tomato is one of the foods that strengthen teeth, as it helps reduce the presence of bacteria in the mouth, increasing tooth protection and contributing to oral health. That way, if you want to keep your smile always healthy, keep in mind that eating tomatoes is an excellent option!

Read more: Discover 7 treatments to whiten your teeth

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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