Harvard oferece cursos gratuitos online com certificado

Harvard offers free online courses with certificate

Check out the courses and see how to enroll in the free courses available on the edX platform.


Having a course certified by Harvard University on your resume is quite a differential, isn't it? Now imagine if you could have the name of the most famous university in the world on your CV without leaving home? Know that this is possible!


In this article we will explain all the details of how to take the free online courses available from Harvard. There are more than 150 training options in the most different areas of knowledge.

How to find Harvard online courses?

Harvard University offers several online courses through the HarvardX platform. This initiative was created to encourage the institution's professors to test new learning experiences.

HarvardX brings together free and paid online courses from the university, all courses being offered in partnership with edX, an online teaching site created in partnership by Harvard and MIT.

The number of courses offered grows every year. Currently, when accessing the HarvardX tab on edX, it is possible to find 153 free online courses with certification. In addition to them, edX offers 21 teaching programs, which bring together several of these courses and provide a professional certificate to prove the knowledge acquired during classes.

Value of a Harvard Certificate

In the free modality of these courses, participants do not receive any certificate. Still, this is a great opportunity. After all, you'll learn from real Harvard professors who give face-to-face classes to students at the institution.


But for those who want to have a certificate verified after completing the chosen course, it is possible to obtain it by paying a fee. Generally, this amount is $199, which is equivalent, in 2023, to approximately R$ 1,030.00.

What are Harvard's free courses?

Currently, there are over 150 free Harvard courses available on edX. The number varies, however, there are always disciplines that cover areas such as:

  • Art and Design;
  • Science;
  • Computer Science;
  • Data Science;
  • Social Sciences;
  • Education and Teaching;
  • Humanities;
  • Mathematics;
  • Business;
  • Schedule;
  • Health and Medicine.

How to enroll in Harvard courses?

If you want to take one of Harvard's online courses, you must access the HarvardX platform or other platforms that share the same courses, such as edX, and register. See the step-by-step process for enrolling below:

1. Inscreva-se na edX

For those interested in enrolling in the courses, the first step is to create an account at edX platform. This is a very simple and free process. Just add your full name, email, username, country of origin and desired password.

If you want to create an account from scratch, you can also connect your edX login with your Facebook, Gmail, Microsoft or Apple accounts. By linking your edX account with others you will not need to create a new password, however you will still need to add an email address for communication.

2. Escolha e se inscreva no curso do seu interesse

After registering with edX, you can search and enroll in any course that interests you. It is important to note that each course has a different application and start deadline.

That is, if you have enrolled in a course that will start on April 29th, you will not be able to start learning before that date. Therefore, the courses also have a deadline for completion. After this period the course session will be archived.

After archiving, you will only be able to access the course material to make revisions. This means that some course functions are unavailable as of the end date. You will still have access to classes and reading materials, but you will not be able to:

  • Perform assessed exercises;
  • Have access to teachers;
  • Access some task links;
  • Earn a certificate.

3. Conclua o curso

The purpose of the classes is that you study at your own pace. However, if your intention is to earn a certificate, it is necessary to complete the discipline before it is archived by the institution.

All courses have a study suggestion. This deadline is the estimate of how much time you should dedicate per week to complete the course. Generally, the threshold for the course to be archived is much longer than the suggested completion time.

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