Veja quanto custa implementar um sistema de energia em casa

See how much it costs to implement an energy system at home

Esse sistema de energia renovável ajuda a preservar o meio ambiente e, ainda, a economizar na conta de luz em até 90% do custo. Confira todas as informações sobre o assunto!


Nowadays, it is possible to see several places, such as homes and companies, with solar energy installed on the facade and roof, for example. The use of renewable sources is essential for preserving the environment, and will have great potential for expansion in the coming years, according to some experts.


The system of solar energy It can be fixed in different places around the house, such as roofs, empty lots, building facades, among other places that receive a lot of sunlight. In this way, the energy can be used for self-consumption according to the household’s needs. Many consumers are interested in this photovoltaic solar system to generate energy silently, without emission of gases or pollutants.

In addition solar energy can help reduce electricity costs. In the accounts of families and companies, the reduction in value with the use of solar energy can reach more than 90%. Therefore, a house that spends around R$500 every month on conventional electricity, when installing the solar energy, you will only have to pay R$50.

How much does it cost to implement a solar energy system at home?

Well, there is no exact value, as the investment can vary a lot. The panels are customized according to the electricity consumption of the home or establishment. Supplier companies look at consumption and convert to know how many panels should be added. This, in order to have power that makes it possible to generate the amount of energy that the location requires.

Confira os financiamentos para instalação de energia solar

See the types of financing and values offered for the installation

Photovoltaic energy company Entec Solar created some simulations, at Forbes' request, to give an idea of the costs of the installations. As a first example, a house was analyzed that has two bedrooms, a garden, three bathrooms and has an average monthly electricity consumption of R$250.

To install the system solar energy In this residence, an investment of an average of R$17 thousand to R$20 thousand will be required. Energy expenditure will be reduced per month to R$25. The second example used was a house with four bedrooms, sauna and swimming pool. With an average spend of around R$800 to R$1,000 monthly on the energy bill.


To install the system solar energy, an investment of between R$55 thousand and R$60 thousand will be required. Therefore, the energy bill would be between R$80 and R$100 monthly. Finally, we considered a house with six bedrooms, a swimming pool and a tennis court that would spend around R$4,500 to R$6,000 on energy per month. The investment to install the system would be around R$330 thousand.

Therefore, the electricity bill would decrease to R$450 to R$600. Therefore, in all situations, the installation of the solar energy represented a good long-term investment.

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Bruno de Lima

Graduated in marketing and advertising, he works as a writer, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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