Chás detox para viver ainda melhor e com mais saúde! 

Detox teas to live even better and healthier! 

Natural products will always have their value in combating diseases!


Instead of resorting to self-medication (which is almost always a bad idea), how about learning about some detox teas? They can help you live longer and better, but without the tiresome side effects common in capsules or tablets. 


The ancients were right: some detox teas and infusions can make a big difference to your health, especially in the long term! This, of course, as long as everything is consumed in moderation – and this rule applies to everything in life. 


The benefits of detox teas 

These are just some of the many examples of the benefits that these incredible teas can bring to your life: 

  • Fat Burning: Some of them help speed up metabolism, which makes it easier to burn fat accumulated in the body. Obesity is a dangerous inflammatory process, responsible for numerous serious diseases; 
  • Immune strengthening: Certain ingredients are rich in vitamins, which can strengthen your body against a wide range of diseases; 
  • Relaxation: There are detox teas capable of calming the nerves – which is especially interesting for those who are very stressed or suffer from emotional disorders, such as anxiety disorders, burnout, etc. 

Important considerations 

Before embarking on the detox universe, it is important to respect the following 5 pieces of information: 

  1. Talk to a healthcare professional. He will be able to tell you which detox teas you can take and, therefore, obtain maximum performance during your treatments; 
  1. If you want to sweeten them, choose natural options. There's no point in using refined sugar or industrialized products, right? Try honey, xylitol and other natural options; 
  1. Do not overdo the dose. Drinking too much of any substance has never done anyone any good; 
  1. Don't just depend on them. Some illnesses need to be treated with medication; Therefore, teas may not have the desired effect during treatment. 
  1. Pay attention to allergic reactions. Although the probability is very low, you may face some adverse effects while using detox teas. In these cases, immediately discontinue use and consult a doctor. 

The best detox teas 

These are some of the best options for embracing flavor and health! Remember that buying natural teas can be even better than looking for commercial products: 

Chá verde 



It is very rich in antioxidants, which is wonderful for the body to eliminate toxins more quickly. This is extremely desirable if you want to lose weight or drastically change your diet. 

Finding it is quite easy and its preparation is very simple. It is great to be taken at any time, even at night. 

Chá de hibisco 


Hibiscus tea has a diuretic action: this is very important if you want to lose weight faster, since much of the body's accumulation is made up of unnecessary fluids. 

If taken in moderation, it can be an excellent way to make the body burn fat faster, but naturally. Furthermore, its flavor is quite striking and characteristic! 

Read too: Goodbye, stress: tips that can ease the burden of everyday life

Chá branco 


Made from fresh leaves of the Camellia sinansis plant, white tea is well known for its powerful antioxidant action. If consumed in the long term, it can prevent the development of various cancers, cardiovascular diseases and certain degenerative brain diseases. 

Furthermore, it helps to increase metabolism and prevent premature aging. Nobody wants to have very pronounced expression lines when they are young, right? 

Chá de gengibre 


A healthy and very tasty drink, capable of treating sore throats and minimizing the most annoying symptoms of poor digestion and colds. A little bit of honey makes all the difference in flavor and medicinal properties! 

Heartburn, nausea, gastritis, high cholesterol and hypertension are illnesses that can be treated delicately with this powerful detox tea. As long as it is taken in moderation, of course. 

Chá de canela 


This drink attracts a lot of attention due to its intense flavor and extremely intoxicating and pleasant aroma. It is also indicated to combat sore throat, poor digestion and reduce symptoms of colds and flu. 

Cinnamon has several antioxidant properties, capable of reducing the chances of developing cancer, diabetes or even obesity. 

Chá de erva-cidreira 


If you want detox teas with a delicate and pleasant flavor, look no further: it is rich in phenolic compounds and flavonoids, capable of calming your nerves in the most complicated moments. 

Another interesting thing about this tea is its ability to improve sleep. It can be used to treat mild insomnia for adults, in addition to combating very uncomfortable intestinal gas. 

Detox tea recipes 

To finish this article with a flourish, how about learning some sensational recipes for your detox diet? 

There are some incredible websites that teach various detox tea recipes. The best part is that most of them are incredibly simple and can be made with resources you probably already have in your kitchen. 

In some cases, it may be interesting to purchase a kit to prepare artisanal teas. Certain preparations require some special care. 

The Tua Saude portal, from Rede D'Or, has several antioxidant tea options for you to make and try. O Good shape, from Grupo Abril, also listed several unmissable recipes to make your life better and lighter! 

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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