Confira 6 passos para preparar sua marmita fitness

Check out 6 steps to prepare your fitness lunch box

We separate the main tips for starting your healthy weight loss diet!


Taking care of food is one of the great challenges of most people. That's why the idea of fitness lunchboxes came up with the aim of offering a varied, balanced menu with great nutritional value at an affordable price. In addition, it is an excellent business opportunity.


That's because, in the last five years, the healthy eating sector grew 130%. However, many people still have doubts about how to assemble a lunchbox. fitness, after all, knowing how to correctly combine the ingredients is fundamental for a balanced and efficient diet.

Therefore, several sites offer online courses to teach how to prepare menus and lunchboxes. fitness. In addition, content about food manipulation and freezing, in addition to their nutritional value, has been constantly growing on social networks. See below how to assemble your fitness lunchbox for the week!

Why adopt a fit menu?

Healthy eating is a powerful habit that, when combined with other factors, helps us achieve certain goals. In this sense, a good diet is fundamental to associate with physical activities, offering even long-term health gains.

Although many believe that lunchbox fitness is associated with diets, this is not its focus. That's because, whether to lose or gain muscle mass, food fit represents a greater awareness of healthy eating, in addition to contributing to the physiology of the body.

Thus, one of the greatest benefits of adopting a healthy menu is to ensure health for the body itself, through better nutrition choices. Therefore, the menu fit it can even combine in the prevention of several diseases.


Today, the habit of eating well is favorable to practitioners of physical activity in many ways, especially providing food reeducation for life.

Marmite, on the other hand fit it is not an expensive habit as many believe. This is because the menu can be varied, that is, based on fruits and vegetables. In this way, in addition to saving money, it is also possible to gain health across healthy and organic food.

How is the fit menu?

The menu fit it is an essential way of associating good shape with new eating habits. In short, it consists of foods with less sugars, saturated fat, in addition to having a good amount of proteins and carbohydrates. In this way, a marmite fitness will always rely on fruits, vegetables, vegetables, cereals, lean meats and whole grains.

In fact, many think that the menu fit only serves to lose weight or gain muscle mass. But, this is a mistake! After all, it can be quite varied, the menu fit it is very tasty, after all, we pay attention to the flavor when preparing the food.

Therefore, the best way to assemble a lunchbox fitness is choosing foods compatible with your food preferences and tastes. For this, choose a rich and varied menu, full of seasonal foods and rich in nutrients.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to create a personalized menu for you, with the right quantity and quality for your body type. In this way, it is essential to consult a specialized nutritionist to have a menu fit effective.

Free courses for your Fitness Culinary

To help you with the goal of starting a diet, we have separated three important courses in managing your dietary care for weight loss. The courses are completely free, online and self-paced.

How to assemble a fitness lunchbox?

Currently, Marmite fitness is successful because it allows the ingestion of healthy foods in a  practical and fast. Therefore, some steps are essential to have a suitable and varied lunch box. Check it out below!

1 – Escolha o cardápio

As mentioned, it is necessary to have a personalized menu for a lunchbox fitness effective. It is generally recommended that main meals have 25% of carbohydrate like sweet potato, for example. In addition, it should contain 25% from lean protein (such as chicken) and 50% from vegetables.

2 – Faça uma lista de compras

When assembling the marmite fitness, nothing better than checking out the missing ingredients in your home. That way you save time in the market. So prepare a shopping list the day before going to the kitchen.

3 – Cozinhe aos fins de semana

One of the best and most practical lunchbox tips fitness is always to prepare all the food in a single day. In this sense, choose a Saturday or Sunday and I prepare all the meals of the week. You can even save time by cooking or roasting all the vegetables together, for example.

4 – Divida a comida em porções

Marmite's Secret fitness is in division. To assemble your meal, use separate containers there are usually ten containers for hot food and ten for salad. Also, dry the leaves well so the room doesn't stick or wither. us pots.

5 – Congela a marmita fitness

Many don't know, but your hot meals can go straight to the freezer. This is because the smaller the temperature variation, the lower the risk of bacteria proliferation. So, as soon as you finish cooking, send the lunchboxes to the freezer.  

6 – Escolha a sua marmita fitness

The day before, choose what your lunch box will be fitness the next day, and let it thaw at refrigerator. Then, just take it to work in a thermal bag and heat it up when it's time to eat.

Read more: What is peeling and what is it for?

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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