Atividades diárias para melhorar a saúde depois dos 50 anos

Daily activities to improve health after 50

Discover the 4 essential tips to take care of your health if you are over 50 years old.


Practicing daily activities is essential for health, regardless of age. However, after the age of 50, the body needs more care, because over the years, our body system changes and requires different care.


Whether with the slightest mobility, fatigue or other challenges that daily activities can bring, you always need to keep your body moving. But, what could be included in everyday life so that this exercise routine can be pleasurable?

4 tips for better health after 50

See which daily activities you can add to your daily life that will help your health:

Dê o pontapé inicial

As a first step, it's important to keep in mind that low-impact exercise is best for anyone over 50 - unless, of course, you've already done the work.

Exercises that improve physical strength and develop motor coordination and balance are important for this age group. But it's always good to remember that the most effective activities are the ones you enjoy doing, and that should be taken into account. The moment needs to be enjoyable and continuous, not a source of annoyance.

Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of depression, heart disease, osteoporosis and many other problems.


Faça caminhadas

Walking strengthens your muscles and joints and increases your heart rate. It's important to maintain an upright posture as much as possible and wear padded shoes, starting with short trips and building up over time. It's also an activity that can involve social interaction and is fun for older adults.

Opte também pelo pilates e ioga

Pilates develops flexibility, strength and promotes hand-eye coordination. In addition, it improves blood circulation and helps improve posture.

Yoga, on the other hand, has some similar benefits – such as flexibility, strength and posture – but incorporates stability and balance exercises, as well as stretching and muscle toning.

Que tal exercícios dentro da água

Hydrogymnastics and swimming are quite complete activities in water, as they stimulate the movement of all the muscles in the body, increasing strength and resistance, essential for maintaining the body in old age. Water is still good for joint relaxation and body pain relief.

Coloque aquela bike parada para rodar

Cycling is another good option for those over 50, as it helps strengthen joints, especially in the knees, ankles and hips, and helps reduce arthritis pain. In addition, this activity works the muscles of the legs and abdomen.

Fortaleça o corpo com musculação

For example, a series of workouts at the gym might focus on strengthening your lower back and leg muscles. However, it is important to emphasize repetitions over weights, as heavier loads can cause pain and harm older bodies.

Alongamento quando acorda já ajuda

Stretching is an essential exercise, which must be done before and after any other physical activity to avoid injury. It can also be done alone and has the benefits of improving range of motion, flexibility and reducing joint stiffness.

Read more: Meet El Plus – the app to watch football for free

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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