Como baixar e instalar o WhatsApp business API

How to Download and Install WhatsApp Business API

See the benefits of using Whatsapp Business and start using it today!


You certainly use, or at least have heard of, the WhatsApp application, right? It is one of the most well-known messaging platforms.


However, in addition to being a contact platform, it has been innovating every day, being much more functional than one day we imagined it could be.

What we mean is that today the platform has new tools, or rather, a complement, which in turn can be useful for a good portion of the population.

Therefore, if you are interested in knowing more details about it, keep checking the content we have to offer you.

WhatsApp Business API- What is it and how does it work?

Before we can even provide more detailed information about how you can install WhatsApp Business, it is important to highlight some details.

The details in question are nothing more than the definition of what we are dealing with.


As we said earlier, the WhatsApp Business API is nothing more than a “complement” to the well-known “WhatsApp” platform, which incidentally now has more than 2 million active users.

The same was developed by the company Facebook, owner of the platform, and also of Instagram.

It basically has the function of making a selection of the service through the WhatsApp channel.

Therefore, we can determine that its objective is to facilitate the communication of medium and large companies with their customers.

With such information, we can conclude, therefore, that the service is aimed at companies.

The companies in question can be either small, medium or large.

Among the advantages that the WhatsApp Business API has provided, we can definitely highlight the possibility of using several operators in a single phone number.

And as we all know, having multiple phone numbers for a single business can slow down business.

The platform in question is also capable of integrating your company's telephone number with service platforms, CRMs, logistical control systems, marketing automation, etc.

What does the platform name mean?

The WhatsApp Business API is an English name, as we can obviously see.

But beyond that, what is the meaning of the acronym too?

The letters API in the name of the service have the following meaning: Application Programming Interface, or Application Programming Interface.

“Business” refers to business.

How to download and install WhatsApp Business API?

Now that you know exactly what WhatsApp Business API is about, check out the step-by-step instructions on how to install it below.

It is interesting to make it clear right away that the whole process can be considered quite complex.

Therefore, check out our brief step-by-step that we carry out, in order to make everything as less complicated as possible.

Step 1: Initially, you must request access through Huggy, Take Blip, or any other WhatsApp business API provider.

For this, you must send all the information that will be requested.

Make sure you send them all correctly so the whole process doesn't get delayed any longer.

Step 2: Subsequently, the company will be responsible for sending you an indication of the best solution provider for your company.

In total, more than 18 solutions provider are analyzed, in order to define which one is best for your business.

Step 3: Then such requested solution provider is sent to WhatsApp (located in the USA), for which they would then be responsible for providing an approval.


Obviously it will take a few days for the result, but when it arrives, you can be sure that your company's business will improve significantly.

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