Como vender milhas pela internet

How to sell miles online

Do you have accumulated miles and don't want to use them? Then you're in the right place! In this post we will give you all the tips and information on how to sell airline miles. That way, even if you don't use them to exchange plane tickets, you can guarantee a good profit or even extra income with them. Don't waste any more time and learn today how to earn money with miles.


You no longer need to let your miles stagnate or even expire on your credit card, or on the points program you use. It's time to profit from them! There are several places on the internet that you can sell them easily, quickly, and most importantly, securely. Now never miss a mile again, they are great options to sell and secure good money.


With that in mind, we created this post so that you can learn, step by step, how to sell them. We'll give you all the guidance you need to turn your miles into cash over the internet. Get started today and enjoy all the benefits that miles can give you, if not as a discount on airline tickets, then as an extra income. See how to sell them below.

When to sell miles?

If you're thinking about selling your miles, knowing the right time to do so makes all the difference in order to earn more. In addition, it is important to always pay attention to the expiry date, as many expire without us noticing. Miles usually expire within two years. So, if you don't exchange them for airline tickets or don't use them, you will end up losing all the benefits and wasting the opportunity.

When to sell miles? The ideal time is before they expire. If you have accumulated a good amount, even if they are not close to expiring, and you want to sell them, do so. Even more so if you currently need an extra income. It is possible to pay attention to the rules of your program, as each one has a different period for the use of miles, but the average is two years of validity.

Even if you don't need extra income, if you don't intend to use the miles, selling them is a great option. Besides, money in the account is never much. Also, high season is a great time to sell them, in January, July and December. With many people wanting to travel at this time, it will sell faster. Accumulate up to one of these months and sell your miles.

Where to sell miles?

Are you thinking of selling your miles? On the internet you will find many sites that act as intermediaries. In this way, you will be able to access the platforms and carry out a simulation of selling the miles and you will know how much you can profit from them. The value will depend on the quantity and the loyalty program you use.


On the internet you can find several platforms that pay well for miles to make the sale. However, if you care about security and privacy. Be careful not to fall into scams in the virtual world and end up losing miles and putting your data at risk.

Also, It is important to know that the value varies, like a quote. Therefore, they can increase or decrease from one day to the next. See below some mileage programs that you can access to sell your miles. They are safe and well-regarded platforms on the internet. In addition to working buying miles, some also sell airline tickets:

how to sell miles through the Internet

It's important that before you start the sale itself, you understand how the site you've chosen to sell your miles works, as well as the origin of your miles. In this way, enter all the loyalty programs you have and see how many points you have to know how much money you can receive. Sometimes the amount may be greater than what you are expecting.

You can even find miles in establishments that have no connection with travel, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, restaurants, among others. Many offer miles program benefits, and you may be attending one of them without knowing it. See all the records you have. Once you have accumulated points and your registration is complete in the miles programs, you can now use them to sell.

The important thing in this step is to research different miles sales sites and compare which one will make you the most profit. Quotations can be carried out within the websites themselves so that you know how much you can earn on each one of them, as there is no fixed value on the market. Also, sales occur from an amount of 1000 miles. In this way, accumulate them, as it is not possible to sell only the unit.

Finally, just check the terms of the site you choose to sell your miles and carry out the transaction. Earn money quickly and easily online.

Read more: Get rich app – Learn how to make money with your cell phone

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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