Quanto custa a instalação de um sistema de segurança na sua casa?

How much does it cost to install a security system in your home?

Feeling safe in your own home is essential to ensure peaceful family moments. If you are looking to install a security system, but do not know approximately the amount charged in the market, then you are in the right place! In this post we will give tips and information on how much it costs to install a home security system.


How much does it cost to install a security system: it is difficult to assess the cost of installing such equipment, as there are several items on the market with many variables. Still, differences in how to install, whether or not to seek professional help, among others. Thus, the first step is to determine which technology will be used.


The cost of equipment and the entire installation varies according to the number of sensors and entry points, as well as brand, material, among other factors. After installation, you may also have to spend on some maintenance, among other services, which will depend on what you need. Below are some criteria that influence the value of a security system.

utility of a security system

THE security system It is a piece of equipment or a set of items that help bring greater peace and tranquility to residents due to the feeling of protection it offers. In addition, it is also useful when residents travel or are away from home, as the security system aims to prevent intrusions and notify in case something happens, such as the potential entry of criminals into the residence.

Since when an intrusion occurs, the alarms notify users and the security company. The costs with security system vary according to the number of factors, the type of system installed and even the services contracted in case of invasions or even routinely.

Models of security systems

There are different types of security systems on the market today, and they are responsible for the initial value of the installation, in addition to the number of sensors. Thus, the resident can choose between two types of security system, wired or wireless. The costs of security system wireless is smaller when compared to the other. However, they are more vulnerable.

Many companies offer free installations of wireless systems. Wired systems are more expensive to install. Likewise, they are more reliable and secure. Therefore, you will have to pay a higher amount for the installation of each point, such as at the entrance, and for the installation of motion sensors. The amount will depend on the size of the house.


In addition to carrying out the installations, you can also hire a company to monitor the system as an extra monthly cost. Therefore, the company will not only carry out the installation, but also monitor and carry out maintenance if necessary. For the value to come out more into account, avoid hiring companies that the monitoring is outsourced.

What a security system does?

One security system it can help not only to alert you in the event of an intrusion in your home, but also to alert the company that will respond, if you have also hired this type of monitoring in the package. There are many people who do not include monitoring, as they believe that only the loud noise of the alarm will scare off criminals and make them go away.

However, there are many companies that offer the monitoring service for cheaper amounts that can be paid monthly. In addition, part of the amount can be returned from insurance policy discounts for your home or even for services already included in the insurance. In addition, it is important to always think about the vulnerability of the residence even with the alarm triggered.

How much does it cost to install a security system?

Well how much does it cost to install one security system? There are several items that contribute to the final price, such as cameras, electric fences, sensors, monitoring, among other services. Currently on the market, a basic kit with installation and a central recorder can cost approximately R$500, as well as higher values.

A kit with sensors and smart lights, in addition to installation, can also make you pay the same amount. If you prefer more complete security, you can even invest around R$2,500 to protect the main parts of a 300 m² house and add an electric fence.

However, there are also systems that can be added that have higher values, but that offer online monitoring, as if you had a webcam in different places in your home.

If you also decide to hire a monitoring service, you will have to pay around R$100 per month, with telephone notifications in case the alarm goes off and a security guard to enter your residence in case of intrusions. Think that your money spent on security is actually an investment.

Read more: Subscription car, is it worth it?

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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