8 dicas para ter dentes sempre saudáveis

8 tips to always have healthy teeth

Taking care of your teeth is essential, both for aesthetics and oral health. In addition, some daily actions can help to avoid many illnesses and discomforts, as well as more serious problems. If you are looking for better oral health then you are in the right place! In this post we will give you all the tips to always have healthy teeth.


Taking care of your teeth contributes to the health of your entire mouth. Therefore, some daily tips on actions to take are recommended so that your teeth always remain clean. In addition, many people have doubts about how many times they should brush their teeth a day, how to clean them, which foods are good for their teeth, among others.


If you also have this type of doubt and don't know if you are taking care of the health of your mouth in the right way, continue with us. In this post, you will find 8 tips that will help you solve all your doubts on the subject. Keep reading to find out more!

Brasil Sorridente: Veja como conseguir implante dentário pelo SUS

The Federal Government, through the Ministry of Health, offers opportunities to needy people to get dental implants completely free of charge through the SUS.

See now 8 precious tips to improve the health of your teeth

1 – Coma frutas e vegetais diariamente

Some fruits and vegetables, such as apples or carrots, are good for the teeth because they are rich in water, fiber, vitamins and minerals and as they take a long time to be chewed, especially when eaten raw, they stimulate the production of saliva and promote mechanical cleaning. of the teeth, which is very important to clean the teeth, protecting from bacteria. (Check out 10 foods that help in the health of your teeth).

2 – Mastigue chiclete sem açúcar uma vez ao dia

Xylitol. It is this word that you will look for on the packaging of the next piece of gum you buy. It is the natural sweetener most recommended by dentists that replaces sugar and prevents tooth decay. The act of chewing gum stimulates saliva production, eliminates bacteria that want to stick to your teeth anyway and still prevents that unpleasant bad breath.

3 – Não negligencie sua língua

Plaque can also build up on the tongue.. Not only can this cause bad mouth odor, but it can also lead to other oral health issues. Gently brush your tongue every time you brush your teeth.

4 – Escove os dentes do jeito certo

Performing a good brushing of the teeth is essential to clean them correctly. Perform circular movements smoothly and brush for approximately two minutes. This will help remove the plaque. In addition, it will help to remove all the dirt and leftover food, preventing the proliferation of bacteria, discomfort in the gums and bad breath. Brush carefully to always have good oral health.


5 – Beber água também é importante para a saúde bucal

In addition to being good for health in general, replacing lost liquids, among others, water is also important to maintain good oral health. That way, she contributes to having clean teeth all the time. Every time you drink a glass of water, leftover bacteria that were accumulated on your teeth and mouth are swallowed. In addition, the fluoride added to the water also contributes to providing extra protection to the teeth and combating the acids that end up eroding the enamel and facilitating the appearance of cavities.

Descubra 7 tratamentos para clarear os dentes

See what are the best treatments to whiten your teeth and have a perfect smile!

6 – Complemente a limpeza com enxaguante bucal

To always have healthy teeth, you should also use mouthwash. In this way, it is a complement that should always be present in your routine. The mouthwash will help remove any plaque left over after brushing and flossing your teeth. Also, it helps to reduce the presence of bad breath.

7 – Evite os palitos de dente

They are often used as a substitute for floss, but this is a very bad practice. With excessive use, they can hurt the gums, and they are not able to replace the effectiveness of floss in cleaning the space between the teeth.

8 – Não abuse dos clareadores

As much as the intention is to make your teeth whiter, with too frequent use, these products can damage the tooth enamel, and the white tone lasts a short time, being replaced shortly afterwards by a yellowish tone.

Read more: 5 skin care tips

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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