10 plataformas de cursos gratuitos online mais acessadas na Europa

10 most accessed free online course platforms in Europe

More and more companies are looking for qualified professionals, and in addition to undergraduate courses, open courses have become a great option to enhance the curriculum.


Several virtual platforms offer their users free online courses across the European continent. In this article, we separate the top 10 course platforms for you to acquire new skills completely for free. Check out!


10 best spaces with free online courses accessed in Europe

Below is a list of the best platforms that offer free courses completely online.

Harvard Online Learning

Harvard University is a private teaching, research and knowledge dissemination institution based in Cambridge, United States. Its name is synonymous with quality and respect in academia and is considered one of the best universities in the world. You will advance your career with free online courses.

These courses are published on their online teaching platform. If you want to jumpstart your career and get more knowledge on your resume, take advantage of this opportunity. (See how to apply).


edX is an American provider of massive open online courses (MOOC) founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It hosts university-level online courses in a wide range of subjects, including some free, for a worldwide student body. He also conducts learning surveys based on how people use his platform. edX runs on the free Open edX open source software platform. 2U is the parent company and edX is the flagship brand for its global online learning platform, products and services. (Check the courses).


Coursera is an American educational technology company based in Mountain View, founded by Stanford University computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller.


Coursera offers five programs of study, namely: Course; Specialization; Professional Certificate; Mastertrack certificate; Graduation.

These courses are offered free on-demand or for select terms, and students have the option to pay to earn a certificate. However, for those who want a certificate but cannot afford it, the platform has a special “financial assistance” program. (Check the courses).


FutureLearn is a London-based English language learning technology company co-founded by the Open University and Seek Limited. In May 2018, it had 143 universities or business partners.

FutureLearn has partnered with universities such as the French National Aeronautical Institute, the French Aeronautical Institute, the Grenoble School of Management and more. FutureLearn said that new partnerships and courses will continue to be added to the platform.

FutureLearn offers courses in aeronautics, computer science, medicine and biology, social sciences and humanities, art, mathematics and statistics, economics and finance, among others. (Check the courses).

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a non-profit organization founded by Salman Khan. Its mission is to provide free, quality education to everyone around the world. Provides collections of free videos on math, medicine and health, economics and finance, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and much more. Another subjects. (Check the courses).


OpenLearn is an educational website. It is the Open University's contribution to the Open Educational Resources (OER) project and is the Open University's home of free and open learning.

There are three contributions to open educational materials. They made new knowledge accessible to everyone (not just the few who could afford it). They allow users to download, modify, translate, and culturally adapt material to enhance its usefulness. They provide opportunities for people to modify, co-produce, test and co-produce again, retesting derived materials, resulting in a cycle of rapid continuous improvement. (Check the courses).

Alison – cursos gratuitos online

ALISON is Ireland's higher education online education platform, teaching workplace skills and exploring new interests, offering accredited courses and degrees. It was founded on April 21, 2007 in Galway, Ireland by Irish social entrepreneur Mike Feerick. (Check the courses).

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare is an initiative by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to put all of its higher and graduate education courses online, partially unlicensed, for anyone, anywhere. (Check the courses).

Stanford Online – cursos gratuitos online

Stanford Online is an educational program sponsored by Stanford University that offers a variety of professional educational opportunities.

Online courses previously offered on this platform are now accessible on a newer platform called edx which offers a wide range of online courses covering many topics. Some of the online courses offered by Stanford Online on the platform are offered for free. Courses can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Udacity – cursos gratuitos online

Udacity is a for-profit educational organization founded by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens and Mike Sokolsky. It was born out of a Stanford University experiment in which Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig offered an online course on “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence” for free to anyone.

As such, Udacity is a global online platform connecting the education and job markets, equipping students with the skills they need today to prepare them for the careers of tomorrow. This is done through online courses called Nanodegrees, which cover areas such as data science, artificial intelligence, business and programming.

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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