Aplicativo de notas para organizar sua agenda

Notes app to organize your schedule

In this article you will be informed about the Evernote application that serves to organize personal information, check it out!


The Evernote app is a great option for you to save notes and even reminders. Through it, it is possible to write down, capture and fill in your tasks so that nothing escapes. It was developed in 2008 and is still successful today.


It also works as a personal organization tool. It can also be a good option for those who work with texts and notes frequently. The application is available for Android and iOS systems and you can also create notes separated by notebooks, colors and even handmade drawings. 

We prepared this article to tell you everything about the Evernote application. Continue reading below and get your questions answered about the app. 

Learn all about the Evernote app 

At first, the Evernote application also allows you to add dates of notes and reminders and add tags so that when you search for the name, you can easily find it. Therefore, we have prepared below a complete guide for you to be able to use all the functions of the Evernote application on your Smartphone. 

Criar caderno de anotações:

First tap the menu in notebooks, use the top menu and access the function and then you can set a name. So you can create notes like a notepad.

Como adicionar notas:

In the application tap on the plus sign that is located at the bottom of the screen, so you can get a list of options. There you can take a shortcut to create reminders, attachments and other items.


Excluir ou mover notas:

Through the application it is possible to delete and move notes. As soon as you delete the item it will be moved to the trash and there you can recover it if necessary. 

Definir data:

You can use the tool to set a date and time deadline. To do this, click on the writing icon, set the date, choose the day and time you want to be reminded about the text.

Escolher etiquetas:

This is a hugely important feature in the Evernote organization. You can tap on the note's tag symbol and add it to your category. This function can be a great option for you to define themes for notes saved in the same notebook. You can separate for example: as a supermarket list.

In addition to these functions, it is also possible to insert attachments, change the format of texts, create lists, write by hand, search for notes and much more. If you are interested, check below the step by step to download the application. 


You can find the app in your smartphone's app store. Search by name or go to this link to be able to be faster. Remembering that it is available for Android and iOS and can help a lot to organize tasks in everyday life.

If you liked it, don't waste time, download it quickly and start enjoying the benefits of Evernote. Also, don't forget to share it with your family and work friends, so everyone can keep their routines organized. 

Finally, do not leave our application without knowing other options for wonderful apps that exist here. I'm sure you'll love it!

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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