O significado dos sonhos: hora de estudá-los! 

The meaning of dreams: time to study them! 

Are your eyes wide open? Enjoy the text before going to bed.


Everyone dreams. Although each mind sees different things, some themes are more recurring than others. Understanding the meaning of dreams means knowing the human unconscious and going through all its ups and downs with maximum speed. 


How about adding a little science to spice things up? 


The study of dreams 

The National Sleep Foundation did a study very interesting on this topic. According to researchers, people tend to dream approximately 6 times a day. It turns out that, in 95% of times, they are not remembered. 

Furthermore, 65% of the information contained in dreams is directly related to events experienced during the day. Stress at work, a new love or even an incredible trip abroad are just a few examples of impactful events, capable of turning a real movie inside your head. 

These are known as standard dreams. The fundamental points regarding this phenomenon can be seen below: 

  1. Your dreams can be extremely strange and nonsensical. Don't worry, as this is perfectly natural; 
  1. Stress is directly associated with sleep quality. Therefore, the less stress you are experiencing, the better your dreams should be; 
  1. Some people dream in black and white – and that's normal, too; 
  1. Most dreams are visual. Many claim to feel smells and flavors, although it is not so common; 
  1. Your mood can be decisive in the incidence of good or bad dreams. 

Understand: when you are in an extremely bad mood and worried about problems, sleeping becomes a complicated task. Nightmares often cloud your judgment, which reduces your mental acuity throughout the day. 


The same happens when you are going through a positive moment in your life: everything seems to move in unison. In these cases, letting go of things during sleep becomes much easier – and more pleasant dreams begin to appear. 

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The most common dreams 

Dream analysis requires their correct categorization. According to the study, these are the most recurring patterns: 

  • Nightmares: Disturbing and frightening impressions that are usually caused by stress, anxiety or even drug reactions. In these cases, people imagine scenarios of death, violence or even unfair and incessant persecution; 
  • Lucid dreams: These dreams are very interesting: you know that you are sleeping and that everything around you does not exist, however, you are able to control the situation. They can be positive and interesting or heavy and terrifying; 
  • Recurring dreams: They are all those that reappear frequently during sleep. As mentioned above, they can be both positive and negative; 
  • Dreams of flying: People who seek freedom or power tend to dream that they are flying. This is one of the greatest desires of a considerable portion of humanity;  
  • Nudity: Imagining yourself naked in a crowd is terrifying! People who are suffering from anxiety or even being judged may have this type of unpleasant dream; 
  • Sexual dreams: You imagine yourself having intimate relationships with other people in many different ways. It can represent both the desire to try new experiences and something to relieve stress. 

What do your dreams really mean? 

According to science, dreams are psychic abstractions made daily during sleep. They tend to be directly related to certain events throughout your life, whether happy or even traumatic. 

Therefore, if you tend to have a more materialistic and objective view of the mind, it can be said that dreams are like emotional “thermometers”. Recurring nightmares may suggest that your mind is becoming overwhelmed by certain events; resolving them would be a good idea, therefore. 

On the other hand, there is the spiritualist view of dreams, too. Allan Kardec, responsible for coining the term “spiritism”, believed that dreams function as a kind of “portal” between the carnal and spiritual worlds. 

In this case, spirits are capable of transporting you to other planes and parallel realities, but without any risk to the lives of their consultants. Premonitions (which are dreams supposedly capable of revealing future events) cannot be scientifically proven, but there are several reports of people who were able to dream about tragedies or beneficial events before they happened. 

Practice dream interpretation 

Regardless of what you believe, certain dreams are simply impossible to ignore: in these cases, how do you react to them? How do you know if they carry some important meaning or, perhaps, if they are just a prank against you? 

There is only one way to do it: reflects. Even the most staunch spiritualists have to admit that certain dreams are nothing more than a personal construction; Materialists, from time to time, are capable of having serious premonitions. Who is right and who is wrong? What is the true meaning of dreams? 

Whatever the answer to this question. The truth is that they exist and must be respected – even if you are reticent about their meanings.  

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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