Sonhos premonitórios: um aviso do além ou apenas coincidência? 

Premonitory dreams: a warning from beyond or just a coincidence? 

Have you ever had a dream that came true? Was this a warning or just another universal fluke?


Everyone has had really memorable dreams throughout their lives: some of them were forever recorded as good (or bad) omens. Do premonitory dreams have any relationship with reality? Or just an unconscious construction of the human psyche? 


This topic generates heated discussions around the world. And there is no shortage of reasons for this: some people claim to have dreams that come true – and they manage to prove this fact eventually, so to speak. 

Non-believers, on the other hand, see the so-called “premonitory dreams” as something absolutely casual. This means that if you dreamed about something that happened later, it was pure coincidence. 

This article aims to delve deeply into this topic that involves everyone and divides opinions. 

What does neuroscience say about premonitory dreams? 

Even the most renowned researchers in the world are still unable to say how premonitory dreams happen. It is believed, however, that they may be directly related to cognitive and emotional processes in the brain during sleep. 


Dreams would be a kind of database of latent memories, titled unconscious. Through this accumulated information, the brain would be able to build simulations about the present, the past or even the future. 

Sigmund Freud said that dreams are “a disguised fulfillment of a repressed desire”. Neuroscientists, on the other hand, argue that these are random stimuli, with no connection to reality or specific meanings. 

A spiritual explanation 

Kardecist spiritists, umbandistas, candomblecistas and many others argue that premonitory dreams are a form of communication between the physical and spiritual universe. Entities are able to communicate with people during their sleep and warn them about events that may occur in the future. 

Spiritual mentors, who can be angels, exus and many other disembodied spirits, can appear in these dreams and give the necessary warnings. This way, people can take action to prevent unpleasant events from materializing.  

According to Allan Kardec, the Frenchman who coined the term spiritualism, people can discover experiences lived by the spirit during sleep. This applies to both the spirit of the medium and the disembodied person. 

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Examples of precognitive dreams 

Some people claim to have had dreams that later came true. Here are some interesting examples: 

  1. Former US President Abraham Lincoln said he dreamed of his own death. The account was made 10 days before he was murdered in 1865; 
  1. Many people involved with the Titanic They say they had premonitory dreams about the ship sinking. The disaster occurred in 1912 and left 2,224 people dead; 
  1. Others say they dreamed of the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. The twin towers of the World Trade Center were attacked by members of Al-Qaeda, an event that left almost 3,000 people dead; 
  1. Three weeks before his brother died, the famous American writer Mark Twain had dreamed of his death. 

Do these dreams work or not? 

If you're looking for scientific evidence, the answer may be frustrating: Scientists still have no idea how dreams are formed. Nor are they able to say whether they have any clairvoyant abilities. 

However, the tendency is to believe that they are random events created by human imagination. Spiritists, on the other hand, believe that they can be directly related to spiritual events. 

For obvious reasons, atheists and agnostics reject this theory; after all, this is an issue purely linked to faith, without any scientific evidence to corroborate such a statement. 

But it is curious to know that so many people were apparently able to predict disastrous situations in their sleep. Some might say that Lincoln or Twain's imagination was already conditioned to have this type of thinking; but who can say that this is not a warning from beyond? 

The human unconscious is still full of mysteries; you need to delve deeply into them and carefully observe your surroundings. The answer to the question in this text is, without a doubt, impressive, despite being (still) unknown. 

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Rafael Motta

Journalist, speaker, advertiser, CEO of the Três Pontos Comunicação agency and passionate about technology. I worked as editor-in-chief at some of the biggest news portals specializing in blockchain. Innovation is what moves me every day.

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