Veja as melhores dicas para aproveitar melhor sua Alexa

See the best tips to get more out of your Alexa

If you have an Amazon Echo, you may be surprised by the Alexa capabilities and tips that will help you use the device even more.


Alexa is the name of the virtual assistant inside Echo devices (and other devices from third-party manufacturers like Sonos). Alexa can create to-do lists, set alarms, play podcasts, play audiobooks, read PDFs, provide weather forecasts, traffic alerts, respond to tasks, control your smart home, and much more.


But what can make using this device better? A few tips for Alexa make the difference.

Amazon Echo Tips and Tricks

Below we have selected the tips for Alexa that will make the use of this device even better:

Mute the wake word “Alexa”

Amazon Echo is listening for the word “Alexa” all the time. Every time you say it, Echo listens, considers what you said, and responds. But if you don't want the Echo to wake up and respond, there's a mute button on top of the speaker that you can press to mute Alexa. Press it again to simply reactivate it. Normally, the button or ring of light turns red when the sound is muted.

Change echo to wake word


If you happen to have someone in your family named "Alex" or something similar, you'll find that the Echo responds when you say that name too. You can choose another word: Computer, Amazon and Echo are available. Go to the Alexa app (Device > select your Echo > Settings > Wake Word) and choose a new word from the list. You will need to choose a wake word for each individual Echo device.

Control Your Amazon Echo From Your Browser

There are several ways to control your Echo, as well as your to-do and shopping lists. The first is through the Alexa app. The second way is through the network. Visit this website:, you can log in and control your device without your phone.

Customize your Flash news or newsletter

When you say "Alexa, what's new?" or “Alexa, play my briefing”, you will receive updates based on news and weather forecasts. You can change services in the Alexa app. Go to More > Settings > News and you'll see where your news comes from and you can decide what you want in your Flash Briefing. You can add more content to the Flash Briefing and change the delivery order.

Create sports update

If you say “Alexa Sports Update” you will get a news summary for the selected team. Head to the Alexa app > More > Settings > Sports and you'll find the option to search for teams. You can add top teams like West Ham or Seattle Seahawks or search for national teams.

Get traffic details for your daily commute

Go to the Alexa app, “More” > “Settings” > “Commuting”, you can enter your work address and any stops on your commute, such as after school. You can then ask Alexa for details about morning traffic or add traffic to a routine.

Voice Purchase Control

Alexa lets you buy stuff from Amazon using your default account and payment method. Everything can be done by voice, so you can search for something and buy it and it will show up at your doorstep. Anyone talking to your Echo can do this, so it's worth turning it off if you have kids or visitors. You can disable this feature by going to the Alexa app > More > Settings > Account Settings > Voice Purchases.

Connect a Bluetooth speaker to your Echo

The Echo can connect to Bluetooth speakers, so you can connect the Echo Dot to something more exciting, like a premium soundbar. To do this, go to the Alexa app > Devices > Echo & Alexa > and select the Echo device you want to pair with. Then tap on Settings and you will see an option for Connected Devices.

Read more: 5 drink delivery apps

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Bruno de Lima

With a degree in marketing and advertising, he works as a copywriter, relying on his skills to deliver valuable content that will add value to society.

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