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Rico's tips

6 best luxury hotels in Europe

melhores hotéis de luxo

Traveling and choosing the best luxury hotels in Europe is the dream of many travelers who are planning luxury holidays in countries on the old continent. These hotels offer incredible experiences, which go beyond the location, a good room and differentiated service. See below the ranking of the best hotels to … Keep reading…

4 websites to follow events in SPAIN

eventos na ESPANHA

These sites to follow events in Spain have a variety of entertainment options for different groups and gather, from celebrations in the capital and big cities, as party itineraries in small villages, being a great option for tourists who intend to visit the country in the next months. 4 sites to know the biggest events … Keep reading…

10 most accessed free online course platforms in Europe

cursos gratuitos online

Several virtual platforms offer their users free online courses across the European continent. In this article, we separate the top 10 course platforms for you to acquire new skills completely for free. Check out! 10 best spaces with free online courses accessed in Europe See below the list of the best platforms that offer free courses in … Keep reading…

Daily activities to improve health after 50

Atividades diárias

Practicing daily activities is essential for health, regardless of age. However, after the age of 50, the body needs more care, because over the years, our body system changes and requires different care. Whether with the slightest mobility, fatigue or other challenges that daily activities can bring, you must always leave … Keep reading…

Harvard offers free online courses with certificate

Having a course certified by Harvard University on your resume is quite a differential, isn't it? Now imagine if you could have the name of the most famous university in the world on your CV without leaving home? Know that this is possible! In this article we will explain you all the details of how to do … Keep reading…

How to enroll in the Smiling Brazil Program

Como se inscrever no Brasil Sorridente

The Brasil Sorridente Program has already helped millions of Brazilians to regain a smile on their faces. For those who are interested in these services offered by the Unified Health System (SUS), we elaborate, in this post, the step by step on how to register to receive these federal benefits. But, before knowing how to apply, you need to know if … Keep reading…